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Dicebound Heroes: Warlock
Dive into darkness and confront evil!

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1 - 3

12 +

20 - 45

One Page Creations

A spellcaster who forms pacts with dark or otherworldly entities, gaining arcane power in exchange for their service. They wield powerful magic, often focusing on curses, elemental forces, and summoning creatures or demons to fight by their side.

Warlocks have a versatile mix of offensive spells, debuffs, and control abilities, but their power often comes at a cost, such as draining their own life force or invoking dangerous consequences. With their mysterious, sometimes ominous nature, Warlocks manipulate forces beyond mortal comprehension for ultimate power.

Provided components:
- Warlock game sheet lowink,
- Warlock game sheet colored,
- rulebook,

Needed components:
- Dice (4 pcs.)
- Pencil

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