Those who acted quickly and found their way out realized that they were the lucky ones. Still, many remain trapped below or cannot find their way up in the chaos. The mayor, desperate to protect the city, has made the heartbreaking decision to seal the underground metro system. Luckly for many, in times like this, heroes are born.
The Last Descent of ordinary men and women step forward to form a last-ditch search party. They have only 24 hours to delve into the depths of the metro, navigating treacherous tunnels and facing the grotesque forms of demons that have claimed the dark. Their mission is to search for any survivors still trapped in the labyrinth and to confront the evil that threatens to envelop their beloved city.
This unlikely group is quickly preparing for the descent into darkness. They will confront their fears and test their limits, knowing that they are the last hope for many. In the shadowy depths, the echoes of their footsteps may be the last sounds heard before the tunnels claim them. Will they find the courage to face the horrors below, or will they become lost in the darkness forever?
Provided components:
- Metro Cthulhu Station game sheet lowink,
- Metro Cthulhu Station game sheet colored,
- rulebook,
Needed components:
- Dice (4 pcs.)
- Pencil
Base game:
Other expansions for base game:
» Dicebound Heroes: Barbarian
» Dicebound Heroes: Beastmaster
» Dicebound Heroes: Hunter
» Dicebound Heroes: Protocol Override
» Dicebound Heroes: Valkyrie
» Dicebound Heroes: Warlock