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Dicebound Heroes: Beastmaster
Dive into darkness and confront evil!

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1 - 3

12 +

20 - 45

One Page Creations

Seasoned warrior, born and raised among wild beasts in rugged mountains. From a young age, he exhibited an unusual bond with wild animals, communicating effortlessly with the animal kingdom. He became protector of the wilderness, defending it against encroachment.

Animal companions are protecting Thorne. No enemy could sneak in, nor try. Powerful mountain lion, majestic great-horned owl with her keen senses, and white wolf are fiercely protective of Thorne. This graceful pack can face any challenge without fear. They will guide Thorne into the darkest paths of dungeon and will come victorious.

Provided components:
- Beastmaster game sheet lowink,
- Beastmaster game sheet colored,
- rulebook,

Needed components:
- Dice (4 pcs.)
- Pencil

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