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Builders of Sungrave - King's Advisors
Become King’s Builder, craft your medieval town.

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This is an extension. In order to play you need THIS product.

1 - 4

10 +

30 - 45


Royal advisors roam the paths of Sungrave. These wandering mentors visit cities, moving from one to another to help the Builders with the construction. Use them to your advantage in your mission of becoming the governor of Sungrave.

This Expansion for “Builders of Sungrave” consists of Advisor Cards that give you new ways to acquire resources and construct buildings inside of the districts. During the game players will have access to only one of the advisors and pass them to other players at the end of the round.

Provided components:
- 6 advisor cards,
- rulebook,

Needed components:
- Dice (7 pcs.)
- Pencil for each player

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