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Galactic Order
Roll and write game about galactic conquest

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14 +

15 - 30

Solo Wargame

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, you stand as the formidable Emperor of the Eternal Empire. Your empire has flourished for thousands of years, maintaining peace through an unyielding grip of power. Yet, a sinister spark echoes through the galaxies – the Rebellion has ignited, posing an imminent threat to the very essence of your dominion.

As the Supreme Emperor of the Eternal Empire, the burden of quashing this insurrection falls squarely on your shoulders. Your mission is clear: choose your council of three Archons to unleash the Empire’s might, planet by planet, sector by sector, to suppress the Rebellion and restore the galaxy to its rightful state of order.

The game mechanics features dice allocation, resource management and point-to-point movement on maps.

Each sector map is a universe unto itself, teeming with its own unique event chart and planets. Engage in an epic battle to reclaim dominance over multiple galactic sectors, navigating treacherous celestial phenomena and crushing resistance, planet by planet!

Experience tons of replayability with adjustable difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Hard), a selection of Five Archons, and over four conquerable Map Sectors. With a quick setup of around 2 mins and a game time of 20 mins or less, Galactic Order is perfect for quick immersive gaming sessions.

Provided components:
- 4 sector game sheets in color version,
- 4 sector game sheets in lowink version,
- 9 cards in color version,
- 9 cards in lowink version,
- rulebook,

Needed components:
- Cubes/markers (2 pcs.)
- Dice (3 pcs. in one color)
- Dice (4 pcs. in one color)
- Pencil

Expansions for this game:

» Galactic Order: Rebel expansion

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