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Castles of Aragon
Shape the land of Aragon as you please

Add to cart [4,00 EUR]

1 - 99

8 +

20 - 30




Castles of Aragon is a print at home roll and write game for one to unlimited number of players. In this game you will be shaping the land of Aragon as you please. Your goal is to create the most habitable land by putting forests, fields, pastures and houses around six Aragonian castles.

Game is very simple but challenging. During each turn you have to either draw a given terrain type (forest, fields, pastures, town) on the game sheet or add another castle. Terrains will be placed around castles, and each castle has its own rules for scoring. 

Provided components:
- regular game sheet,
- alternative game sheet,
- king's edicts sheet,
- rulebook,
Needed components:
- Dice (2 pcs.)
- Pencil for each player


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