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Roll and Rails: South Africa - Madagascar map pack
Build your railroad emprie using dice, pen and paper.

Add to cart [2,00 EUR]

This is an extension. In order to play you need THIS product.

1 - 5

10 +

20 - 45


Expand your railroad empire thanks to South Africa – Madagascar Map Pack. This expansion includes two exciting maps. Madagascar map is designed for solitaire play where you navigate the rugged terrain of Madagascar to build your rail network. South Africa multiplayer map  - gather friends for fun together as you compete to create the most lucrative railway connections across this vibrant region.  This region you to build your own railway network, will you take up the challenge?

Provided components:
- Madagascar map for solitaire game,
- South Africa map for multiplayer game,

Needed components:
- Additional die
- Colored pencil for each player
- Dice (5 pcs. per player)
- Pencil

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