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Hard Level - the Curse of Pharaoh
Solitaire Platform Game

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10 +

15 - 30

Lizard King

Hard Level is print and play board game where you control your character in a stage like in console or pc platform game. You will try to push through enemies and traps and get to exit while trying to complete objective of the level.

Additional episode to play. In the Curse of the Pharaoh you have to explore ruins created millenia ago in search of relics of the past and treasures hoarded by our ancestors. Be careful as remnants of ancient curse still linger around.

This episode contains five levels you can play. Each of them can be played separately or you can play them as a whole big adventure. Each level has its own challenges and goals.

Provided components:
- manual,
- episode four: the curse of the Pharaoh (5 level sheets),

Needed components:
- Dice (6 pcs.)
- Pencil

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