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Roll and Control: Kingdom Builder
Conquer the land with dice and strategy.

Add to cart [2,00 EUR]

This is an extension. In order to play you need THIS product.

1 - 5

10 +

20 - 45


Kingdom Builder is an expansion for Roll and Control. 

Forge your own realm! You and your fellow players have a chance to create unique maps which will result in even more variability between your plays. In Kingdom Builder you will receive new Map Sheets that do not have their Provinces divided. Before beginning the game, players will decide what shape Provinces will take. Those maps do not have predefined Provinces but have dashed lines that allow players to divide continent themselves. There are also Province Score Fields that show how manypoints players will receive for Provinces.

This expansion is compatible with multiplayer and singleplayer modes.

Unleash your creativity, and become the cartographer of Roll and Control! 


Provided components:
- manual,
- 3 maps for solitaire game,
- 2 maps for multiplayer game,
- 1 large map for up to 5 players,

Needed components:
- Additional die
- Colored pencil for each player
- Dice (5 pcs. per player)

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