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Roll and Control: Merchant's Cove
Conquer the land with dice and strategy.

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This is an extension. In order to play you need THIS product.

1 - 5

10 +

20 - 45


Merchant's Cove is an expansion for Roll and Control.

Embark on a thrilling trading adventure with Merchant’s Cove expansion. As you send your units to castles, you will recaive valuable resources. Send them for trade after each Era. Resources that you can send are based on people that can load ships and on a contract that is decided at the beginning of the game. 

In Merchant’s Cove you will receive 3 new Maps that have Resources near Castles and Ports. You will also get a Storage Sheet, where you will write down how many resources players have and how many have they sent. You can play Merchant’s Cove in solo or multiplayer. 

As you send your units to castles, seize valuable resources and trade them wisely! 

Provided components:
- manual,
- 3 maps for solitaire game,
- 2 maps for multiplayer game,
- 1 large map for up to 5 players,
- warehouse sheet,

Needed components:
- Colored pencil for each player
- Dice (5 pcs. per player)
- Pencil

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