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One Page expedition: Expansions

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This is game extension. In order to play this product you have to own One Page Expedition base game.

1 - 6

9 +

15 - 25



One Page Expedition: Expansions contains two variants of play. Patron's Will and Strategy over Luck.

In Patron's Will variant you will get to complete quests given by patrons. These quests give points for setting camps in a correct way.

In Strategy over Luck variant you will not use dice to make your camps, instead you will use a sheet with a Sector Table that makes you plan your moves ahead.

Provided components:
- manual for Patrons,
- manual for Strategy Over Luck,
- scoring sheet for Patrons,
- player sheet for SoL
Needed components:
- Colored pencil for each player
- Dice (2 pcs.)

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