Dice and Sun Promotion

2024-07-07, DicePen Dicepen

Summer is a wonderful season to dive into Print and Play games, as they offer the convenience of portability. With just a handful of paper, pencils, and a couple of dice, you can immerse yourself in a diverse collection of games tailored for various player groups. It's a great moment to share our hobby among friends. This action will last all summer!

We invite you to take a part in the “Dice and Sun” promotion!

You just need to take a few simple steps to get a discount code for 25% on the entire assortment from our store www.dicepen.pl.

1. Join the Dicepen Family Group on Facebook if you are not already a member..
2. Write the title of your favorite roll and write game in a comment under a promotion post on our fanpage.
3. Share this post from our fanpage to your wall.

Then you will get a message from us on Facebook Messenger with the promo code. This code is one time use. You can use it for everything that you add to your cart. We hope that thaks to this your summer vacation will be much more fun! Enjoy your games!

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